Items tagged with: Alcohol
#Alcohol is the third-most preventable cause of #cancer in the U.S, putting it just behind tobacco and obesity. It’s associated with breast, liver, colorectal, mouth, throat, esophagus and voice box cancers. A biomedical engineering and pharmacology professor explains:
Even 1 drink a day elevates your cancer risk – an expert on how alcohol affects the body breaks down a new government report
The government linked alcohol with seven types of cancers, prompting the US surgeon general to call for warning labels on beer, wine and liquor.The Conversation
#Alcohol is the third-most preventable cause of #cancer in the U.S, putting it just behind tobacco and obesity. It’s associated with breast, liver, colorectal, mouth, throat, esophagus and voice box cancers. A biomedical engineering and pharmacology professor explains:… #DryJanuary #health… #DryJanuary #health
Even 1 drink a day elevates your cancer risk – an expert on how alcohol affects the body breaks down a new government report
The government linked alcohol with seven types of cancers, prompting the US surgeon general to call for warning labels on beer, wine and liquor.The Conversation
How drinking alcohol can affect your health
Moderate drinking was once thought to have benefits for the heart but better research methods have thrown cold water on that idea. A growing number of public health experts say if you choose to drink alcohol, you should drink as little as possible.CARLA K. JOHNSON (AP News)