Items tagged with: FridaySparklyDancers
It's Friday! Yay!
As ever, have a good weekend if you possibly can 😁
#sillyScribbles #FridaySparklyDancers #animation #nonsense
So I thought I'd finish off the spooky season with something new for the Friday Dancers. Unfortunately I only thought of it yesterday & needed a LOT more time to make it.
The problem with trying to make something topical is that you need to think about it BEFORE it's topical.
I did NOT do that.
Anyhow, this week we have a title image, to explain what was on my mind, because without it the animated version would be a mystery 😆
As ever, have a lovely weekend if you possibly can, fine people of the fediverse 😁
#sillyScribbles #FridaySparklyDancers #animation #nonsense