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Items tagged with: HackerSummerCamp

Over the course of the next few weeks, #hackers virtually around the world will be reaching the next lvl sk177z at

Find out how at the #DCG201 #HackerSummerCamp 2024 Guide for #ringzer0 #DOUBLEDOEN24:

@defcon #bhusa #blackhat #redteam #blueteam

Oh fuck heres some unearthed #DEFCON #Hacker history

@dnsprincess and i are about to record a #Glassof0J about our #HackerSummerCamp plans and suggestions for you are new to it!

#Backtrack #Kali

Better Late Than Never!

Here's the #DCG201 #HackerSummerCamp 2024 Guide for
@leHACK, a
@defcon inspired con at @citedessciences in #Paris #France!

Due to scheduling guides will be sudo out of order.

#leHACK @osintforall @hzv