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Items tagged with: PhanpySocial

I just spent some time bringing my sites together on a server that I run, instead of hosting them on services run by others (like Cloudflare Pages or Vercel).

My blog ultramookie is a static site generated using Hugo, so it's easy to move around.

I also moved Halo onto this server. Halo is my self-hosted instance of #PhanpySocial.

It is nice to run on other managed services, but bringing things to my own server allows me to have better control over my content and lets me do fun stuff like returning 403's with the error message "Get Off My Lawn!" to #LLM scrappers.


Trying to document #PhanpySocial 's notifications grouping logic 🔔

Moved some stuff over to Vercel -- including my #PhanpySocial instance

