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Items tagged with: coach

"There are 8 million teens eligible to vote. These high school students are trying to make sure more do."

Never voted before.

She and her friends tabled outside of the cafeteria, where they handed out donuts to students who dropped by to learn more about voting. In the end, she managed to register 186 students.

"We drove home the point that voting is the best way to hold people in power accountable"

#Harris #HarrisWalz #Coach #KamalaAndTheCoach

Before that, #Walz was the linebacker #coach who helped turn around a winless #football squad into state champs,while earning the trust of his players.
“I don’t want to be dramatic about it, but he maybe saved my life. I was devoted to him,like, ‘Fine, I’ll keep going to school so I can play for you. I’ll keep training hard so I can try & win for you.’”says Daniel Clement,a fmr linebacker who…hung out w/the wrong crowd before Walz showed him a kind of attn…he’d never experienced from a #teacher.