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Items tagged with: miniaturePainting

#HobbyStreak day 946

Only the weapons and some #JeanSteelersCult icons and I've got the first 6 done! Loving these #genestealer models. NGL, not sorry for having bought them exclusively for painting the coconut crab pattern šŸ˜‚

#Necromunda #genestealers #ErikDoesA40k #Warhammer #Warhammer40k #MiniPainting #MiniaturePainting #PaintingMinis #PaintingMiniatures #Warmongers

Fleshing out the painted #KillTeam operatives. Looking at using the Navy Breachers as the addition to the Inquisition Agents. Lots of Red, which Iā€™m just enjoying painting. Quite enjoying this one on the whole actually, lots of reds and whites are a comfortable area for me, and these miniatures are taking well to me rattling through them.

#Miniatures #WarhammerCommunity #Miniatures #PaintingWarhammer #MiniaturePainting #Wargames #Warhammer #Hobbyverse #KillTeam

I have an Asylum Demon from Dark Souls on my table. Basically it's just a big sloppy butt with a tail and wings, but I still wanna paint it well. I basecoated it dark brown and sorta bone white/desert brown. Where do I go from here?
#DarkSouls #MiniaturePainting
