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I'm shocked - SHOCKED - that the #1 vendor of artists' tools is oblivious to artists' concerns about GenAI.


Test firing #1; picture sadly does not capture the fading orange glow these had.

Given that these are made of generic cheapo air-dry clay that I made into a just barely passable pouring slip and cast in molds that were a plaster-sand-concrete mix, I don't know if they'll ultimately fire at all properly; gotta wait for them to cool.

But they didn't fall to bits upon getting properly hot, so that's a winning first attempt in my books.


I wrote up what's new in the @SocialSecurity's baby name data that landed today:
• Liam and Olivia continue to be #1
• Mateo is now a top-10 name
• Parents are still naming their daughters Khaleesi

10 years in the making, retro game emulator Delta is now #1 on the iOS charts

While I'm mucking about with ways to make my little chess dudes out of recycled plastic (I've been using a plaster-concrete concoction), I realised I could probably switch the process and make plaster *molds,* and slipcast the pieces.

Which classes them up enough I'd likely feel good about selling them!

Test mold #1 formed perfectly, though I forgot to add a well for extra slip....


If you read my weekend blog post, you know that I've been pointing out that the predicate crime in the Trump trial is not clear.

(For what I mean, see my weekend blog post).

Here is what the Washington Post reported.

See screenshots #1 and #2.

Here is the law:

To be clear: I have no idea how this trial will turn out. I cannot substitute my judgment for the jury because I am not seeing what they are seeing.


#2 #1