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Items tagged with: noise

My neighbors are having a party. Its generally very quiet around here- my kids often make the most noise in the neighborhood by far- so I'm not going to complain to anyone but the abyss, but... karaoke. Loud. Off key. So far off key that the key is in some other parallel universe. And no sign of stopping any time soon.

#karaoke #loud #neighbors #noise

Explore the wider, more #experimental some of my work with Metaphysical Shitposting, an evolving collection (new tracks added about once a month) of #drone, #ambient and #soundscape pieces, with the occasional splash of musique concrete, #kosmische and #noise mixed in to keep things interesting.

Lots and lots of #ModularSynth work here, plus some #strange stuff like #Soma #Terra, tape loops, toy instruments and more.
