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Items tagged with: obsidian

I've been usin #Joplin for quite a while now, love it! I've also recently given #Obsidian #Logseq and #Notion a try, but for all the great things each one offers, none work as well for what I want.

#Obsidian is a great Markdown-based editor that's pretty user-friendly, but also has more in-depth options for advanced users. It's free, with an optional subscription for cloud syncing.


I have also considered #obsidian but I have the same concerns as with #logseq in relation to sharing with others.
Any thoughts?

Wow. I guess I was wrong when I said that we have well and truly enough #Obsidian how-to tutorials out there. Either that or this person doesn’t have the faintest idea how to google properly.

**NEW VIDEO - PF2e - Creature Adjuster (Elite/Weak Templates)**

There's a fantastic new #Obsidian #ttrpg plugin called PF2e - Creature Adjuster that lets you apply Elite and Weak templates to #PF2e monsters. In this video we walk through how to get the early beta install (not available in the Community Plugins yet) and how to use the plugin to easily and very quickly apply templates to your monsters.

MarkDownload - The Browser Extension that Works With #Obsidian:

Obsidian users: in case you’ve missed it, AnuPpuccin is a fantastic theme! Great for customizing and tweaking, but still possible to keep in a minimalistic unobtrusive way.

Also, I found it easier to apply the Nord colour theme via AnuPpuccin than I did from the theme that has Nord in its name. Go figure. 😆

#Obsidian #Theme #AnuPpuccin #NordTheme