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Items tagged with: taxtherich



The whole model of taxing "income" is wrong. We need to tax Wealth, not Income. Because the ones who desperately need taxing aren't the working folk.

Incidentally, in Canada there is a tax rebate called the "Canada Workers Benefit" (previously "Working Income Tax Benefit") which returns several thousand dollars to those within the bracket. It's a tiny band-aid step in the right direction, to lighten the tax load on those who are working for it, but the whole system needs to change.




The whole model of taxing "income" is wrong. We need to tax Wealth, not Income. Because the ones who desperately need taxing aren't the working folk.

Incidentally, in Canada there is a tax rebate called the "Canada Workers Benefit" (previously "Working Income Tax Benefit") which returns several thousand dollars to those within the bracket. It's a tiny band-aid step in the right direction, to lighten the tax load on those who are working for it, but the whole system needs to change.


Wir kĂśnnen uns die Reichen nicht mehr leisten
➡️ #Vermögenssteuer #Luxussteuer höhere #Erbschaftssteuer jetzt
➡️ Verbot von Privatjets #Kerosinsteuer

Who Wants to Be a Trillionaire? That’s exactly where America’s oligarchic policies are taking us.
#TaxTheRich #EatTheRich

Wake up and tax the rich.
#TaxTheRich #EatTheRich

Union leaders: Larry Fink is right about the retirement crisis Americans are facing–but he can’t tell the truth about the failure of the ‘401(k) revolution’

Say it with me folks, inheritance tax.

We are entering into "the great wealth transfer" where about $5.2 trillion (that's the one with more zeros than I can count) is about to pass from the, largely undeserving, super rich to their entirely undeserving heirs.

"Research by Forbes magazine found there were 15 billionaires aged 30 or under but that none had created their own wealth, instead benefitting from huge inheritances."

#economics #TaxTheRich #EatTheRich
