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Items tagged with: Haitian

"News of Roberts’s alleged comments to colleagues comes as #Trump, the #Republican nominee for president, & his running mate, #JDVance, have engaged in a #racist & false #propaganda campaign to demonize #Haitian immigrants living in Springfield, #Ohio, by claiming that they have been killing & eating people’s #pets. The xenophobic claims... have incited multiple bomb threats that have disrupted the #Springfield community."

#GOP #Lies #TrumpLies #Republicans #News #USA

City Manager Bryan Heck fielded an unusual question at City Hall on the morning of Sept 9, from a staff member of #Republican #Trump VP nom #JDVance. The staffer called to ask if there was any truth to bizarre rumors about #Haitian #immigrants & pets in #Springfield.

“He asked point-blank, ‘Are the rumors true of pets being taken & eaten?’” recalled Heck. “I told him no. There was no verifiable evidence or reports to show this was true. I told them these claims were baseless.”


#Trump, #Outrage & the Modern Era of #PoliticalViolence
The latest apparent assassination attempt against Trump indicates how much the American political landscape has been shaped by #anger stirred by him & against him.
Within days of Trump #vilifying #immigrants on national TV w/ #lies about #Haitian #immigrants eating pets in #Ohio, people began threatening to blow up #schools, #CityHall & other public bldgs, forcing #evacuations & prompting a wave of #fear.

The "#Haitian #Immigrants eating pets" story illustrates two things:

1) There are a LOT of stupid people who believe everything they read on the Internet.

2) One of them is running for president. 😒

THE WOMAN RESPONSIBLE for the "#Haitian #Immigrants ate the neighbor's #cat" tweet that #DementiaDon repeated on nation-wide TV, sparking threats of violence against Haitians in her hometown of #Springfield, now apologizes and admits she had "no first hand knowledge" (her "neighbor's daughter's friend") of any incident and never intended it to lead to violence. 😐 #Dogs

His remarks were the latest in a swirl of canards that #Trump has spread about #Haitian #immigrants, despite [#law enforcement], #local [+ #state & #federal government] officials debunking the claims [over & over & over]. Leaders in #Springfield have said the claims are harming the #community, which has been forced to #evacuate #schools, #CityHall & other buildings after receiving #threats due to Trump’s remarks.

#FactCheck #TrumpLies #dangerous #racist #ConspiracyTheories #WhiteNationalism

For days, #Trump & his allies have zeroed in on #Springfield, #Ohio, [knowingly] amplifying *baseless claims* [LIES] that #Haitian #immigrants there are eating others’ pets. The promotion of such rumors, which thrust the city into the national spotlight [& made it a target for #WhiteNationalist #DomesticViolentExtremists], is rooted in a centuries-old #racist trope of #vilifying newcomers to the #UnitedStates & highlights the country’s present-day divides, historians say.