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Items tagged with: Obsidian

sometimes I forget to use the tab stack view in #obsidian (inspired by Andy Matuschak) but it's such a delight to explore linked text this way

No-brainer features to add to #obsidian:

1. cannot be achieved as a plugin
2. are useful to at least 80% of people

Modularity is key to keeping the app fast. The 5 plugins you use are not the 5 plugins someone else uses.

5 out of 1,700 plugins = 117 trillion different setups

If you're a student or faculty, there's a 40% discount for #Obsidian Sync — $29 per year instead of $48.

This isn't new but I am realizing that many students don't know about it. You can apply for it in your account settings.

I'm really enjoying journaling every day using the Daily Note feature in #Obsidian. I've set up a calendar reminder to complete it every morning.

and in case you were moving from #google keep to #obsidian, here's the simple way to do that without using your google API key

I've been usin #Joplin for quite a while now, love it! I've also recently given #Obsidian #Logseq and #Notion a try, but for all the great things each one offers, none work as well for what I want.

Wow. I guess I was wrong when I said that we have well and truly enough #Obsidian how-to tutorials out there. Either that or this person doesn’t have the faintest idea how to google properly.