Items tagged with: PSA
PSA now is a good time to go through your ~/.ssh/known_hosts
and delete all old SSH fingerprints from random EC2 instances or CTFs. Also delete any old GitHub SSH fingerprints and replace them with the current SSH fingerprints.
GitHub's SSH key fingerprints - GitHub Docs
Public key fingerprints can be used to validate a connection to a remote server.GitHub Docs
#PSA via @kjcharles "UK WRITERS: You need to fill in this consulation. Govt is very clearly looking to an opt-out model of rights licensing that puts all the burden on creators instead of profiteers. It's long and boring but this is important."…
#Writers #Authors #Copyright #ArtificialIntelligence #AI
Thread with more details:…
Please share this information/links, there's not much time.
Copyright and Artificial Intelligence
This consultation seeks views on how the government can ensure the UK’s legal framework for AI and copyright supports the UK creative industries and AI sector together.Intellectual Property Office (GOV.UK)