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Items tagged with: Springfield

Now we're talkin'...

Via Katie Phang:

In a fascinating legal move, the Haitian Bridge Alliance in #Springfield, #Ohio, filed criminal charges against Donald #Trump and #JDVance based on their “baseless fearmongering” about Haitian immigrants eating neighbors’ pets.

In Ohio: private citizens can file an affidavit charging criminal offenses and the court must either issue an arrest warrant or refer it to the prosecuting attorney for investigation.

"News of Roberts’s alleged comments to colleagues comes as #Trump, the #Republican nominee for president, & his running mate, #JDVance, have engaged in a #racist & false #propaganda campaign to demonize #Haitian immigrants living in Springfield, #Ohio, by claiming that they have been killing & eating people’s #pets. The xenophobic claims... have incited multiple bomb threats that have disrupted the #Springfield community."

#GOP #Lies #TrumpLies #Republicans #News #USA

Vance’s church has condemned his bigotry. 😳

“Today, our nation is divided by partisanship and ideology, which blind us to the image of God in our neighbor, especially the unborn, the poor, and the stranger. These negative sentiments are only exacerbated by gossip, which can spread quickly across social media with no concern for the truth or those involved.”



How the #Trump Campaign Ran With Rumors [#lies] About Pet-Eating Migrants—After Being Told They Weren’t True

#Springfield, #Ohio, city ofcls were contacted by #JDVance’s team & said the claims were baseless. It didn’t matter & now the town is in #chaos.

#RecklessEndangerment #CulpableNegligence #law #StochasticTerrorism #racism #hate #ConspiracyTheories


City Manager Bryan Heck fielded an unusual question at City Hall on the morning of Sept 9, from a staff member of #Republican #Trump VP nom #JDVance. The staffer called to ask if there was any truth to bizarre rumors about #Haitian #immigrants & pets in #Springfield.

“He asked point-blank, ‘Are the rumors true of pets being taken & eaten?’” recalled Heck. “I told him no. There was no verifiable evidence or reports to show this was true. I told them these claims were baseless.”


THE WOMAN RESPONSIBLE for the "#Haitian #Immigrants ate the neighbor's #cat" tweet that #DementiaDon repeated on nation-wide TV, sparking threats of violence against Haitians in her hometown of #Springfield, now apologizes and admits she had "no first hand knowledge" (her "neighbor's daughter's friend") of any incident and never intended it to lead to violence. 😐 #Dogs

Today, when given a chance, Trump DIDN'T CONDEMN BOMB THREATS TO doctors & patients in Ohio hospitals.

As @foser says, let's not focus on the lie, let's focus on Trump's history of encouraging threats of violence.
Focus on the character of a man who has incited violence toward others, again & again.
#Springfield #StotasticTerrorism

#USPol #Satire #HistoMusic

Am 10. September '24 deklassierte die Demokratische Präsidentschaftskandidatin #KamalaHarris den Republikanischen Ex-Präsidenten #DonaldTrump in ihrer ersten Fernsehdebatte.

Kaum etwas ist so beispielhaft für die wiederholt vorgetragenen Lügen von #Trump wie die, dass (legale) "illegale Flüchtlinge in #Springfield/ #Ohio die Haustiere ihrer Nachbarn essen würden, eine Erfindung rechtsradikaler Gruppen, die an Trump von seinem Vizepräsidentschaftskandidaten...

…#Trump has also incorrectly said that #Haitians in #Springfield are in the #US illegally, though local officials have rebutted that as well. The migrants were granted temporary protected status #TPS in the #UnitedStates after fleeing #violence at home.

The claims are the latest instances of Trump using #dehumanizing language when talking about people who immigrate to the US. They also mirror stereotypes some Americans have used against foreigners in the US for nearly 1½ centuries.


His remarks were the latest in a swirl of canards that #Trump has spread about #Haitian #immigrants, despite [#law enforcement], #local [+ #state & #federal government] officials debunking the claims [over & over & over]. Leaders in #Springfield have said the claims are harming the #community, which has been forced to #evacuate #schools, #CityHall & other buildings after receiving #threats due to Trump’s remarks.

#FactCheck #TrumpLies #dangerous #racist #ConspiracyTheories #WhiteNationalism

For days, #Trump & his allies have zeroed in on #Springfield, #Ohio, [knowingly] amplifying *baseless claims* [LIES] that #Haitian #immigrants there are eating others’ pets. The promotion of such rumors, which thrust the city into the national spotlight [& made it a target for #WhiteNationalist #DomesticViolentExtremists], is rooted in a centuries-old #racist trope of #vilifying newcomers to the #UnitedStates & highlights the country’s present-day divides, historians say.

"And the candidate for 'something else' too often turns out to be race. So time and again, the far right’s attack on democracy comes wrapped in an unvarnished appeal to racial prejudices, stereotypes, fear, and outright racism."

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #NeoNazi #hate #violence #xenophobia

"Fully aware that most of what they stand for is deeply unpopular (think abortion bans, Project 2025, and most everything Trump and Vance talk about), what’s happening around Springfield and Haitian migrants is now their playbook come election time....

To advance an agenda that most of the population disagrees with—to 'shape' the electorate in your favor—you need to divide that otherwise united majority over something else.

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #hate #violence

"I’s important to see that what they are doing follows a strategy.

It’s the exact same pattern we’ve witnessed in recent cycles. And it ties directly into Donald Trump’s killing of the immigration bill in the Senate earlier this year."

~ David Pepper

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #NeoNazi #hate #violence #xenophobia

And why are Trump and Vance doing this?

"The widespread ridicule of Trump’s statement has obscured that this attack on Ohio’s immigrants is part of an attempt to regain control of the Senate. Convincing Ohio voters that the immigrants in their midst are subhuman could help Republicans defeat popular Democratic incumbent senator Sherrod Brown, who has held his seat since 2007."

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #NeoNazi #hate #violence #xenophobia

"Springfield police and the city manager told news outlets there was no truth to the rumors.

Nonetheless, on September 10, Vance told his people to 'keep the cat memes flowing,' even though—or perhaps because—the rumors were putting people in his own state in danger."

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #NeoNazi #hate #violence #xenophobia

"In late August, posting in a private Facebook group, a resident said they had heard that Haitian immigrants had butchered a neighbor’s cat for food. Vance reposted that rumor to attack Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, on whom he is trying to hang undocumented immigration although it was Trump who convinced Republicans to kill a strong bipartisan border bill this spring."

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #NeoNazi #hate #violence #xenophobia

"The neo-Nazis stayed and, on August 27, showed up at a meeting of the city council, where their leader threatened council members. On September 1, another white supremacist group, Patriot Front, held its own 'protest to the mass influx of unassimilable Haitian migrants' in the city. Right-wing social media posters pushed the story, usually with 'witnesses' to events in the city coming from elsewhere."

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #NeoNazi #hate #violence #xenophobia

"The next day, at the National Conservatism conference, Vance accused 'illegals' of overwhelming the city.

On August 10, about a dozen neo-Nazis of the 'Blood Tribe' organization showed up in Springfield, where one of their leaders said the city had been taken over by 'degenerate third worlders' and blamed the Jews for the influx of migrants."

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #NeoNazi #hate #violence #xenophobia

Heather Cox Richardson summarizes Hunter Walker and Josh Kovensky' findings:

"More than two months ago, they wrote, Ohio senator J.D. Vance, who is Trump’s vice presidential running mate, began to speak about Springfield at a Senate Banking Committee hearing, trying to tie rising housing prices to immigrants."

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #NeoNazi #hate #violence #xenophobia

"The most out-there right-wing extremists — including, in this case, notorious neo-Nazis — and GOP politicians reinforce each others’ narratives, with real-world ramifications for everyday people."

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #NeoNazi #hate #violence #xenophobia

"The path the inflammatory rumors took from the fever swamps to the debate stage to an on-the-ground, Trump-fueled furor in Springfield is a new spin through a story arc that has become familiar in the MAGA era:"

~ Hunter Walker and Josh Kovensky

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #NeoNazi #hate #violence #xenophobia

As Stephen Starr reports, for weeks now, JD Vance has been spreading malicious lies about Springfield, Ohio, and its Haitian community as he campaigns, knowing as he does so that these lies were initially spread online in August on social platforms used by far-right extremists and by Blood Tribe, a neo-Nazi hate group.

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #NeoNazi #hate #violence #xenophobia

"Two schools in Springfield had to be evacuated today because of your bullshit. This has gone way beyond offensive. You’re literally endangering people’s lives with your dishonest rhetoric. How do you sleep at night?"

~ Rex Huppke quoted by Greg Dworkin

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #NeoNazi #hate #violence #xenophobia