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Items tagged with: jewish

we're moving to #Prague! and we need some friends.
we're moving to #Czechia in August or September and we might be a bit lonely. so if you're #queer, #Jewish, #neurodivergent, in your 20's or all of the above, we'd like to know you!

I'm into #music, #FOSS, #linguistics, #DoctorWho, #TTRPG and #DropoutTV. oh, and I'm #trans.
my girlfriend likes #medicine, British television, #Disney, #Eurovision and #TrueCrime. "I am the bisexual stereotype".


#Praha #Prag #PleaseBoost

The latest newsletter from Rabbi Waskow...


I intend this essay to be...a pointer to how it could fit together into not only a renewal of Judaism but a transformation of it — of us. That...could meet our own needs and the needs of a multi-level, worldwide crisis.

In some countries, the crisis of globalization has so tormented parts of the people who feel excluded from it that they have turned to hyper-nationalism.

...The long-powerful communities — white, Christian, and male — are also entitled to a place and shared power in an expanded democracy. They are not entitled to exclude the newly visible communities, as some politicians have trumpeted with a silver trumpet often made of cash and contempt, not a sacred shofar.

The result of all this: Two world-wide crises: the Democracy Crisis and the Climate/ Extinction Crisis..."

#Mazeldon #Jewniverse #JFedi #Judaism #Diaspora #Jewish #ShalomCenter

Go back to #Poland! 🤡

"Security concerns relating to the situation in the Middle East have forced Kraków’s annual #Jewish festival, which is one of the largest in #Europe, to cancel the public concert that is normally the centrepiece of the event. The decision was made after consultation with the police.

The Jewish Culture Festival has been taking place since 1988 and is seen as an emblem of the revival of Jewish life and culture in a country where Jews once made up 10% of the population but were almost completely wiped out in the #Holocaust."

This is the common phrase we Israelis use when speaking of our sons and daughters returning from captivity or expressing the wish for that to happen.

This is a very respectful and common phrase you can use when communicating with Israelis or Hebrew speakers on the subject.

Now, these days we are witnessing the return of kidnapped Israelis to be buried rather than live their lives.

Each news of another body being returned for burial is heartbreaking. However, in Jewish and Israeli culture, there is great significance to having a burial and a body returned to its homeland.

As horrific as all of this is, there may be some consolation to the families who are able to have a place of burial in Israel for their loved ones.

יהי זכרם ברוך
May their memory be blessed

#hebrew #jewish #israel #jeremiah #bible

I am Jewish and support Israel’s right to exist. If antisemitism in the United States make it unlivable I will need a safe place to go. #Jewish

May is Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month – and it’s also Jewish American Heritage Month!

And although most people think of American Jews as white Europeans, this coincidence is a great reminder of how diverse the community is.

#AAPIMonth #JewishHeritageMonth #Jewish #NativeAmerican

Antisemitism since October.

Learn why this concerning trend isn’t just a matter of concern to the Jewish community, but a direct threat to democracy and national security. Gain insights into how the U.S. Department of State, and the U.S. government in general, are addressing Jew-hatred around the world and why a comprehensive, whole-of-society approach is more critical now than ever before.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be informed, engaged, and empowered to counter antisemitism.

Join us virtually on May 24th by registering here:

Follow the U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism Instagram and X (Twitter) for updates.

#Mazeldon #Jewniverse #JFedi #Oct7 #AntiSemitism #JIMENA #Jewish #JewishWomen

"As many as 35 #deathrow cases in a #California county could be under review for discriminatory practices, including the exclusion of both #Black female and #Jewish #jurors.

The cases in Alameda County date as far back as 1977.

During #jury selection in one murder case from the 1990s, the prosecution left handwritten notes about prospective jurors — including whether they were Jewish or Black.

“I liked him better than any other #Jew, but no way,” one note said. “Must kick.”

Israel's Yom HaShoah solemn 'celebration' is another act of fabrication.

Israel's leaders exploited the suffering of European Jewry to advance their post-war statehood goals. They did little to rescue our brethren trapped in the Holocaust furnace.

Like today, they view the innocent lives taken during war as a price to pay for Zionism.

The politicizing antisemitism is another avenue explored by Zionists to ensure Jews remain in a perpetual state of fear, all to indoctrinate us that Jews 'need the Zionists to save us.'

So lets stop and read the words of our alleged saviors, and what they did (not) do, to alleviate the crushing suffering of our parents during the Holocaust.

#HolocaustMemorialDay #Rafah #Israel #Jewish #YomHaShoah

Lyft driver license plate glorified Hamas attack.🤮

A #Jewish woman who called a Lyft saw the October 7 license plate.
She asked the company for a refund which was initially denied.
The DMV said they are looking into the plate.

#Oct7massacre #Hamas #DomesticTerrorists #antisemitism #JewHate #Lyft

In Our Name: A Message from Jewish Students at Columbia University

Nearly 650 students give us their true and unfiltered feelings about being Jewish on campus.

#🟦 #mazeldon #jewish #columbia