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Items tagged with: longRead

Reading @pluralistic 's latest was revelatory and infuriating. #longread

We've had run ins with PBMs in our household so had some sense that they are clearly another way healthcare in the US is profoundly broken. I had no idea the depth of it. I felt my blood pressure climb realizing why we have deductibles and who ultimately benefits from them. Because of course.

Let's hope the action against PBMs by the FTC goes somewhere.

What happens if the proposed EU chat control regulation passes?

This series of news reports and press releases imagines the first year of cascading consequences.

It illustrates how the well-intentioned-but-flawed proposal will make detecting child abuse imagery more difficult while harming innocent people, national security, and the EU’s digital sovereignty.

Please share. The EU resumes discussions of the proposal today.

(~12 minute read time)

#ChatControl #longRead

Dagens #longread. Och inte vilken läsning som helst. En av de allra mest insiktsfulla och välskrivna artiklarna jag läst under det här året. På riktigt. Den är RIKTIGT bra.

Den ger (äntligen) en rimlig förklaringsmodell till dagens infantiliserande skrik- och skränkultur som dominerar #socialamedier och även gator och torg.

Greppa en kopp kaffe och läs:
