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Items tagged with: popularvote

#USpolitics #Solutions for democracy #PopularVote

I often wonder: Why in the greatest democracy of the world 🤣 🤣 doesn't the popular vote not vote the President of that democracy ?
Ancient customs and too high regard for the letter of the constitution.

"Why We Need A National Popular Vote | Robert Reich"
by Robert Reich

Quote by RR:
"15 mei 2023
Twice this century, the loser of the popular vote has won the presidency.
Here's a plan to make sure that never happens again.
If you want to know more or get involved, click the link below to read about the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
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If your state is not already a member, I urge you to contact your state’s senators and reps to get your state on board."

#VoteBlue #UpAndDownTheBallot
