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Items tagged with: CatsOfMastodon

My tortie loves to tell me what she feels. Other people owned by torties know what’s up

#CatsOfMastodon #Cats #Torties

"No, you can't use this to dry your clothes. Not until I've had a chance to barf on everything, anyway."

#caturday #cat #cats #catstodon #CatsOfMastodon #humor #humour

Bruno doesn’t get out much. Largely because he’s jumpy AF. But today my wife and I were sitting outside and he wouldn’t stop crying and pawing at the door to join us. Today, was a breakthrough. I have never seen him this chill before.

#catsofmastodon #Caturday #cats

Pippin found a loophole in the No jumping up on “counters” rule.

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #Cats

Google told me to feed him human fingers, so far, so good

#Cats #CatsOfMastodon #BlackCatsOfMastodon

So three and half days after having five kittens (two of which have survived so far although it's a little sketchy right now) our cat had a sixth who looks a lot different than the others.

#catsofmastodon #kittens

Made a cake to celebrate my cat's birthday.

Happy six years Coco. 💙

#CatsOfMastodon #cats #cat #catstodon

Als ich gestern abend im Halbschlaf auf dem Sofa gedöst hab, hat #Phips mich beobachtet 😸

#catsofmastodon #fedicats #Katzenquote

RIP Tuppence, 8/15/08 - 5/21/24. Thank you for your daily light, my sweet girl.

#cats #CatsOfMastodon #OrangeCat #Tuppence

Mila is turning 18 and has severe arthritis. She can’t sleep on our heads upstairs in the bed anymore (ramps don’t help, due to the layout of our apartment). A few nights a week I pull out a mattress and sleep with her downstairs. And when I don’t.. she starts screaming at 6am until I come down and get sat on. I love her so much

#CatsOfMastodon #Cats #Torties

Being an adult means realizing that while you love cat-sitting, having an actual cat will not work for you, because OMG, a week and there is so much cat hair! Everywhere!

#AboutToday #CatsOfMastodon

Step 1: Get a cat.
Step 2: We don't need more cats.
Step X: Get a third cat.

His name is Monty, he's from a shelter, less than 1 year old. He's a half Maine Coon.
So far he seems really cool about his new home.

This is just a reminder that on hot days, it's important to stay hydrated. #CatsOfMastodon #Cat #StayHydrated