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Items tagged with: KamalaHarris

"It’s too much time to waste, when the party needs to unify now and get on with the urgent business of running Donald Trump and his gaggle of discontents and fellow criminals into the river.

Joe Biden has taken the step so many have urged on him. We should thank him and unite, move forward, fight as a team and beat Trump."

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

"Biden’s announcement turns a time of discord and distress for the Democratic Party into a time of opportunity and purpose. Democrats should seize the moment and rally behind the Vice President as our nominee and not wait until the formal nomination at the convention almost a month away."

~ Lucian K. Truscott

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

"And a voter for an aspiring dictator backed by the world’s greediest fascists and oligarchs and enabled by a stolen and broken Republican Supreme Court is a vote for your vote never to matter again."

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

"I’ve always been more 'Let’s just kick the fascists' asses' than 'Blue no matter who.'

But I will obviously support anyone Democrats nominate over Donald Trump. That’s the easiest choice of my life that doesn’t involve waffle fries.

When it all comes down to it, I’m a single-issue voter. My issue is that I’d like to keep voting."

~ Jason Sattler

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

"Kamala Harris is, at this point, an ideal candidate.

She’s a prosecutor. Donald Trump is a convicted felon.

She’s a woman. Donald Trump’s hand-picked justices overturned Roe.

She’s the Vice President, so she can still run on the record of the incumbent administration. Donald Trump is the former President with a disastrous record, still in denial that he lost in 2020.

She exudes competence. He’s a bungling authoritarian."

~ Dave Karpf

#KamalaHarris #Trump

A $5,000 check from Donald Trump to support the re-election of California Attorney General Kamala Harris in 2011. #DonaldTrump #KamalaHarris

Donations are pouring in for Vice President #KamalaHarris' presidential campaign after #President #Biden dropped out of the 2024 race on Sunday.

The #Harris campaign said Monday morning that "everyday Americans have given $49.6 million in grassroots donations to her campaign" since Biden's endorsement.

#Election2024 #VoteBlue #HarrisForPresident

😂🤣😂 The #Democrats should definitely promote this fact to #Republicans: #DonaldTrump donated to #KamalaHarris, & you should too! 😀

👉🏾 Donald Trump once donated to Kamala Harris campaign in California

Yes, it was between 2011 & 2013, but we can always remind the #GOP that it was money well spent by #Trump. 😁

Also Kamala has no chance of being the Antichrist because the Book of Revelation says no *man* can defeat The Beast.

#USPol #exmo #ExMormon #exvie #exvangelical #Kamala2024 #KamalaHarris

$46.7 million raised in about 9 hours. #kamalaharris

Can’t wait to see Kamala Harris humiliate criminal trump at the next debate.

#KamalaHarris #trump #presidentialdebate

Reuters Exclusive: All 50 Democratic party US state chairs back #Harris

All 50 Democratic Party state chairs have thrown their weight behind Vice President #KamalaHarris to be the party's new presidential nominee, acc/to sources.

The chairs held a conference call on Sun after #POTUS #Biden announced he was stepping aside as the party's candidate.

There is "full support" in backing Harris to be at the top of the ticket, one source said.

As of 4:55 pm, 7/21, these Democratic Senators, Representatives, and Governors have endorsed #KamalaHarris (source: Washington Post).

To all my #US followers despairing over Joe #Biden dropping out from the presidential race and endorsing #KamalaHarris 4 months before the presidential election, I would like to tell you about another woman who was handed the leadership of her party just 7 weeks before the 2017 election and went on to become, imo, NZ’s greatest Prime Minister of my lifetime. Her name is Jacinda Ardern and her election campaign slogan was #LetsDoThis

As of this post, these House Democrats have endorsed #KamalaHarris: Pramila Jayapal (Wash.), the chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus; Jasmine Crockett (Tex.); Ilhan Omar (Minn.); Cori Bush (Mo.); Raúl Grijalva (Ariz.); Ritchie Torres (N.Y.); Becca Balint (Vt.); Lisa Blunt Rochester (Del.); Frederica S. Wilson (Fla.); Maxwell Frost (Fla.); Dan Goldman (N.Y.); Hillary J. Scholten (Mich.); Ann Kuster (N.H.), the chair of the New Democrat Coalition; Bradley Schneider (Ill.) 1/2

Det är klart problematiskt för demokraterna att Biden välsignar VP Harris som ny kandidat istället för att låta processen ha sin gång. Detta speciellt då det ger motståndarsidan mycket underlag för argumentation om de senaste 4 åren då #KamalaHarris varit högst delaktig och många väljare kan vara missnöjda.

Samtidigt behöver de snabbt ena partiet och välja kandidater som kan bli lika igenkända som #TrumpVance.

#SVT skriver om Joe Bidens 'välsignelse' till #KamalaHarris och att "det i princip klart att det blir hon" - problematiskt!

Republikanerna har en laguppställning som kan bli riktigt svår för demokraterna, speciellt efter att ha styrt landet i 4 år.

Om de på riktigt vill vinna så bör både finansiärerna och väljarna tänka både en och två gånger innan de väljer kandidater. Och nyhetsmedia bör skriva nyheter, inte spekulationer. Speciellt #SVT som #publicservice.

At least 5 #Democratic #senators are voicing support for Vice President #KamalaHarris as the new Democratic presidential nominee after #POTUS #Biden ended his reelection campaign.

They include Sens. Tammy Baldwin (Wis.), Mark R. Warner (Va.), Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), Tim Kaine (Va.) & Patty Murray (Wash.).

#Election2024 #VoteBlue

Current & former #DNC members are adding their names to an open letter endorsing Vice President #KamalaHarris to become the party’s presidential nominee.

The document cites the members’ belief that the “strongest candidate for #President, who can best offer a clear, unifying vision for the future of the #UnitedStates,” is #Harris.


The #CongressionalBlackCaucus is expected to endorse Vice President #KamalaHarris for #president, Chairman Steven Horsford (D-Nev.) said in an interview.

#Harris, a former #CBC member when serving in the Senate, called Horsford this afternoon after #Biden endorsed his running mate & confirmed to him that she would run for #POTUS.

#Election2024 #VoteBlue

Vice President #KamalaHarris released a statement through the #Biden campaign saying, “I am honored to have the President’s endorsement & my intention is to earn & win this nomination,” she said. “We have 107 days until #Election Day. Together, we will fight. And together, we will #win.”

She added, “With this selfless & patriotic act, #President Biden is doing what he has done throughout his life of #service: putting the American #people & our #country above everything else.”


A pro-#Trump #superPAC said Sunday it is launching TV ads against Vice President #KamalaHarris “ASAP” after #POTUS #Biden ended his reelection campaign & endorsed her to replace him. The group, #MAGA Inc, said it would run a commercial in 3 battleground states that accuses #Harris of “cover[ing] up Joe’s obvious mental decline.”

Screw those MFers.

#Election2024 #VoteBlue

#House Minority Leader #HakeemJeffries responded to #POTUS #Biden’s decision to end his reelection campaign by praising him as “one of the most accomplished & consequential leaders in American history.”

“America is a better place today because President Joe Biden has led us w/intellect, grace & dignity,” Jeffries said in a statement Sunday. “We are forever grateful.”

Jeffries did NOT mention VP #KamalaHarris, whom Biden endorsed to replace him as the Democratic nominee

#Election2024 #VoteBlue

#House Speaker Emerita #NancyPelosi stmnt:

President Joe #Biden is a patriotic American who has always put our country first. His legacy of vision, values & leadership make him one of the most consequential Presidents in American history.

W/love & gratitude to President Biden for always believing in the promise of America & giving people the opportunity to reach their fulfillment.

God blessed America w/Joe Biden's greatness & goodness.

[No endorsement of #KamalaHarris. Dems get it together!]

Bill & Hillary #Clinton endorsed #KamalaHarris, writing in a statement that they would “do whatever we can to support her.” They added: “Now is the time to support Kamala Harris & fight with everything we’ve got to elect her. America’s future depends on it.”

#HillaryClinton knows better than anyone the challenge of being a #woman running against #Trump, & what that could look like.

#Election2024 #VoteBlue

The Democratic Party needs to unite behind Kamala Harris THIS AFTERNOON! None of this open convention nonsense. There’s barely any time left, and she has the least number of obstacles standing between her and the ballot and her and the war-chest. HARRIS FOR PRESIDENT!!!
Everyone else can compete for Veep, if they like, or start plotting for 2028.
#KamalaHarris #Biden

Watch, esp. from 2:10 on. #KamalaHarris is impressive.

More from #POTUS’ “Black jobs” arc re MVP #KamalaHarris:
“She’s not only a great vice president, she could be president of the United States!”

Other great #Biden lines:

“Truman said you want a friend in Washington, get a dog. Guess what? After the last couple of weeks, I know what he means.”

“Sandy Hook & Uvalde, concert goers in Las Vegas. You're going to be outspoken on one, don’t be silent on others.” #GunControl

#BlackVotesMatter #NAACP #jobs #labor #economy #BidenHarris2024

Why do so many white men — in particular — want Biden to drop out, while pretending they have qualms about his competence and age?

This 👇🏽

This comment is in the Facebook feed of a friend today. The man writing it is 79, so note that he says Biden has "mental issues" and doesn't note his age.

But the statement about Kamala Harris gives away the game.

Many white men will put the nation in the hands of a treasonous convicted felon rather than a Black woman.

#Trump #Biden #KamalaHarris