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Items tagged with: Kamalaharris

"The corporate media, however, have decided that it is no longer the job of its journalists and pundits to report and analyze information; rather they believe they must translate Donald’s nonsensical ramblings into a version of the English language we can all understand."

#KamalaHarris #Trump #media #MentalDecline #sanewashing

Via the Union: "What can stop a voter from voting? Not having access to a car. Research indicates that 66% of voters with access to a car voted in the 2018 general election, compared to only 36% who did not. That’s a 30 percentage point gap!
That’s winning or losing!

RideShare2Vote needs you to reach out to voters who may need transportation. You can call from anywhere!! Sign up here!" #KamalaHarris

"People keep asking, given who Donald Trump obviously is (and what his party obviously is), by comparison with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, how can this race possibly be so close?

Brad Bannon has an answer.

From the time Trump first emerged on the scene as a candidate in 2016, the votes of non-college-educated whites have gone heavily to him, and they continue to go heavily to him.

#Trump #KamalaHarris #education #racism #misogyny #xenophobia #authoritarianism