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Items tagged with: Anarchism

*A prisons crisis, or an opportunity?*

"If Starmer wants to avoid overcrowding he could start by reversing the drive to hand multi-year sentences to non-violent activists which was, in the first place, an obscene clunking boot to bring down on civil liberties in response to relatively mild levels of disruption."

[Pictured: Black and white drawing of elements of the prison-industrial system]

#prison #anarchism #uk

Are Nazis bringing gang members to fight anti-fascists? And cause maximum damage?

Look at the physical body proportion of fascists vs anti-fascists. They attacked hotels housing asylum seekers (in some places failed, in other places succeeded), attacking shops of minorities, …

Fascists can never be controlled if anti-fascists cannot control street.

Other than the celebrations people on left have engaged, in fascists have done lot more damage.

Will add more videos of fascist violence to this thread.

Video source: Hell site (posted by fascist accounts)

#anarchy #anarchism #farright #uk