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Items tagged with: ForeignInfluenceCampaign

Let’s Be Clear: #Putin Is Again Trying to Put #Trump in the #WhiteHouse

More evidence emerges of #Russia’s covert assault on American #democracy.

by David Corn

“I hate saying, ‘I told you so.’” That is one of the biggest lies. I, for one, enjoying saying it. That is, on the right occasions.

#ForeignInfluenceCampaign #disinformation #propaganda #Trumpaganda
#NationalSecurity #InfoSec #UnitedStates #MediaLiteracy #HarrisWalz2024

…in recent months I have repeatedly warned that Russian #tyrant & #WarCriminal #Putin intended to mess w/the #US #election to help #Trump once again.… This wk, …the #DOJ outlined elaborate schemes mounted by covert Moscow operators to #influence the 2024 election. But… the feds declined to explicitly state the obvious:The #Kremlin efforts have been designed & mounted to aid Trump’s bid to regain #power.”

#ForeignInfluenceCampaign #disinformation
#law #NationalSecurity #InfoSec #HarrisWalz2024

4 yrs ago, the #Senate Intelligence Cmte UNANIMOUSLY endorsed the #US #intelligence community’s conclusion that #Russia intervened in the 2016 election in an effort to boost #Trump.

But Trump, who has repeatedly described the probes into Russian interference in the 2016 election as a “hoax,” is dismissing them this time around, too.

#PutinsPuppet #USpol #democracy #InfoSec #NationalSecurity #MediaLiteracy #ForeignInfluenceCampaign #Propaganda #Trumpaganda

#Trump dismisses new warnings of #Russia #ElectionInterference

#US #intelligence ofcls warned Fri new covert efforts by Russia to sway the presidential election are “more sophisticated than in prior election cycles,” & that Moscow is using #AI to create increasingly convincing fake content that could aid Trump.

Trump doesn’t buy it.🙄

#PutinsPuppet #USpol #democracy #InfoSec #NationalSecurity #MediaLiteracy #ForeignInfluenceCampaign #Propaganda #Trumpaganda