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Items tagged with: GoogleIO

My favorite new thing to come out of #GoogleIO is Web view 👏 @ernie has the simple hack to make it the default result.

On #GoogleIO's keynote, it is said that Google Search has been getting an increase in user satisfaction, and I feel like there must be something weird going on,because all I read everywhere on news, blogs and social media is that people are feeling that Google Search is getting worse and worse (which I also feel). Are they in a bubble? Am I in a bubble? What's going on?

Google I/O wrapped up, and I have a LOT of thoughts. Shot a quick reaction video on the keynote here
Some really interesting AI tools are coming, but will Gemini search continue hurting website traffic?

#tech #technology #business #news #technews #bbtg #geek #google #googleio #search #AI

This looks awesome, can't wait to test it live! :perfect: :catjam:

#GoogleIO #Google

Watching #GoogleIO and there are some cool demonstrations of data center cloud computing, but there's also this fog of dystopia surrounding these demos.
The announcements for search are horrifying. Google is full mask off.

Phrases like "search for something, and we'll collect all this data for you" basically equates to:

"We sucked up ALL the data from people who really did the work, and we're going to give you the results of their hard work, but we wont take you to the site that generated the data. You can stay on the search page, and the site's traffic will plummet."

This is shocking.

#tech #technology #ai #google #search #llm #geek #technews #business