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Items tagged with: Loomer

#USpol #Trump #Loomer affaire

Via #AndrewSimpson,

"...I would estimate that the chances these two aren’t getting horizontal are about as good as RFK Jr. re-announcing his candidacy and winning as he runs on a platform of whale decapitation and bear cub dumping."

Rumors of Affair Between Trump and Loomer Grow Louder, With Loomer Reportedly Telling Friends She Performed Sex Act on Former Prez

Via @emptywheel:
“The prob isn’t Laura #Loomer. She’s little diff than all the other extremists who remain in #Trump’s good graces by performing near-perfect sycophancy

The prob is precisely what Walz warned: Trump’s narcissism & his ego make him weak, vulnerable to any person willing to use flattery to win their objectives

Trump’s aides are making same argument Walz is: that Trump doesn’t have the self-control to protect against extremists making him their ready tool”

Does anyone else find the idea that a veteran crackpot conspiracy theorist like #Trump is being “influenced” by Laura #Loomer to be comical? How do we know he isn’t influencing her?

#Election2024 #HarrisWalz2024
