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Items tagged with: MidleEastWar

#GeoPol #MidleEastWar #ForeignPolicy #Israel

...neets to cut the Gordian Knot or it will tie his hands. So, no, we're not doomed. In the same way we weren't doomed a couple of months out and it was "Biden or bust." Only some weeks on, and Harris is doing much better.

I think the weeks that are left till e-day on November 5th are still sufficient to replace the Zionist Jewish vote with the Pro-Palestinian (or neutral) vote.


[Need to call it a day.]

#GeoPol #MidleEastWar #ForeignPolicy #Israel

...can be explained to most of the *relevant* electorat. - The hardcore MAGATs will vote #TFG no matter what Biden does or does not do. So, *only* (potential) Dem voters matter.
I'd say, there are many who rather support Palestine.
If Biden loses "some" Zionist votes in the process, well, maybe it is not such a bad thing in the medium term. They are the reason he is now in such a bind.

#GeoPol #MidleEastWar #ForeignPolicy #Israel


...maybe Egypt, too.

The whole situation is a giant powder keg. OFC I'm not the only one seing it this way. Small wanter the UN and others are trying to calm down all parties involved in the conflict in the Levant.

Even though the election in the US is hugely important, it might be not the most important thing to consider.


#GeoPol #MidleEastWar #ForeignPolicy #Israel


..."Culture of Welcome," as then Chancelor Angela Merkel called it. This time, we have either rightwing governments (e.g. Italy) or countries like Germany where the "rightwing extremist" are one of the two strongest parties in state elections. This would not end well, if further floods of hundreds of thousands, maybe more, refugees were to descend on Europe and or/Turkey,...

#GeoPol #MidleEastWar #ForeignPolicy #Israel


...#sanctions lifted. This could not have come at a worse time for them either.

One last thing: I'd be a very happy person if my assessment of the situation proved to be wrong. In fact, I pray for it to be wrong.

A full-blown war in the #MiddleEast would not only destabilize the whole region, but others as well. For one thing, it would be a repeat of 2015 in Europe.

However this time round, there would not be...

#GeoPol #MidleEastWar #ForeignPolicy #Israel


...MUST be reigned in. NOW, before it is too late, which it could quite soon be.

It might already be, b/c "everyone" knows now that Biden cannot control Netanyahu, maybe even less than Reagan.

The ball is now in #Tehran's court. The #Mullah Regime now has less incentive to not react in a beligerent way. The only thing holding them back is that they want the economy-wrecking...

#GeoPol #MidleEastWar #ForeignPolicy #Israel


...Also, I very much doubt that Iran can be kept out of a #MIddleEastWar, if things escalate any further.

In my view, but OFC this is just an assessment, as is yours, a full-scale war with US boots on the ground will backfire even more.
OFC the Administration knows that, it's inevitable. Or the more disloyal by #Bibi to not hold his breath until November 6th.

This is what I'm saying, #Netanyahu...


#GeoPol #MidleEastWar #ForeignPolicy #Israel


I can agree with much of what you say, except for this sentence:

" I have no reason to doubt the correctness of their calculation."

I doubt he is pretty much miscalculating, like he/they did in the "retreat" from #Afghanistan.

If I remember correctly, #TFG won in 2016, also b/c he promised to "end the war."

I'd say voters will not react kindly if Biden/Harris gets the into a new war...


#GeoPol #MidleEastWar #ForeignPolicy #Israel


...war breaks out (and there is not all that much missing,) it will be too late to pull the plugs.

All the while, Putler is grinning, as this draws attention and resources away from a much bigger price than #Hezbollah or #Hamas, *#Ukraine*.


#GeoPol #MidleEastWar #ForeignPolicy #Israel


....militaristic approach of the #Netanyahu Regime anymore. You lose some, you win some, maybe more. From an international perspective, #Biden is losing credibility and I'd say maybe even respect from his adversaries. He can be portrayed as being to easily manipulated, maybe even cornered, if I take your comments at face value.
From my point of view, the US cannot continue down that road.

Once a full-scale...

#GeoPol #MidleEastWar #ForeignPolicy #Israel


...cannot be seen as Netanyahu's willing big brother that you turn to when you're fighting out of your league (and some might even use another "b-word"!)

I don't think not delivering certain kinds of weapons (to be discussed) can provide a serious case of "anti-semitism." Besides, Dems will not win over the fanatic MAGA cultists in this election.

Also, there are many (US) Jews who do *not* support the...


#GeoPol #MidleEastWar #ForeignPolicy #Israel


I can see your points.

Well, you can't please everyone, I guess.
OFC the election must alway be one, maybe even one of the most important aspects in decision-making. Surely, though, not the only one.
Biden/Harris have been losing ground among younger, pro-Palestinian voters, and there are also many, as the massive student protests these pasts months show, by now even in many countries.

