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Items tagged with: WeirdDonOLD

#WeirdDonOLD and Netanyahu have aligned incentives on this. #Trump wants no ceasefire because he thinks that helps depress #Harris2024 turnout and help him win and dodge criminal prosecution. Netanyahu wants no ceasefire because he wants to stay in power to dodge criminal prosecution.

Two alleged criminals colluding to keep a genocidal war effort going. Both alleged criminals care more about themselves than about their countries.


MASSIVE news that we all missed:

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has announced that he will NOT engage in any cease fire talks for the next 45 days.

In other words, until just AFTER the US election.

After Trump and Netanyahu had an ILLEGAL SUMMIT last month.

Do the math.

What are the chances #WeirdDonOld recants and apologizes? A thousand to one? A million to one?

#WeirdDonOld still thinks he won the 2020 Election despite all evidence to the contrary.

And tens of thousands of his #cult members STILL believe #Democrats are running a child sex dungeon in the basement of a pizza parlor (that has no basement.)

These people are 🦇 💩 😜, so don't expect their king to suddenly realize/admit he made a mistake after the person who tweeted "Haitians are stealing & eating dogs and cats" apologizes.