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Items tagged with: bookburning

@IDF is #ISIS : A photo of an IDF soldier inside al-Aqsa University in Gaza City, with books burning behind him, has been circulating on social media around the world in the last few hours and has sparked outrage.

There's nothing much to add to what this picture shows and what it says about #IDF.

They act exactly like the acts of the Mongolians, the Taliban and the ISIS. They destroy knowledge and history m they thrive in denying their enemies the ability to learn and to remember.

But the western liberals and disgusting people who blindly support this monstrous colonialist creation of the mixture of nationalism, white supremacy and religious fanaticism just like the Nazis back in 1930s.

This is just yet another example of the rottenness of the basics foundation of the Zionism and it's ongoing crimes against the Palestinians and anyone around the world who oppose their extremist ideology and acts.

#IsraelWarCrimes #domicide #Gaza #Zionism #Colonialiam #BookBurning #ISIS #Fanaticism #Genicide #Israel #Palestine

The first large burning came on 6 May 1933. The German Student Union made an organised attack on Magnus Hirschfeld's Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (roughly: Institute of Sex Research). Its library and archives of around 20,000 books and journals were publicly hauled out and burned in the street. Its collection included unique works on intersexuality, homosexuality and transgender topics. 1/2

#BookBurning #Nazis #Fascism #AntiTrans #Germany #OnThisDay