Items tagged with: parentalleave
#kvantitetstidspappan - Arena Idé
Idag på den internationella mansdagen har manliga statyer runt om i Sverige klätts med bärsjalar och bärselar – från Det svenska tungsinnet i Malmö till Standing Man i Umeå.admin (Arena Idé)
Pregnant women and workers with children are often unfairly treated in Australian workplaces (as they are in the US), despite laws to protect against workplace discrimination there, according to a recent study.
A survey by researchers found most of the 1,200+ pregnant and parent-worker respondents experienced discrimination during their return-to-work phase, parental leave, and while pregnant at work (via The Conversation AU/NZ).…
#workplaceculture #parentalleave
A survey by researchers found most of the 1,200+ pregnant and parent-worker respondents experienced discrimination during their return-to-work phase, parental leave, and while pregnant at work (via The Conversation AU/NZ).…
#workplaceculture #parentalleave
‘Just a mum’: pregnant women and working parents feel overlooked and undervalued in the workplace
Pregnant women and working parents are often excluded from training and other opportunities despite extensive workplace and anti-discrimination laws.The Conversation