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Items tagged with: unsc

#Russia has imported dozens of ballistic missiles & >18k containers of munitions & munitions-related materiel from #NorthKorea since its invasion of #Ukraine, Robert Wood, deputy #US ambassador to the #UN, said at a #UNSC meeting in Sept.

Some experts suggest Washington consider launching an #InformationCampaign against Pyongyang….

#geopolitics #democracy #war #intelligence #NationalSecurity

#US Sec of State #Blinken told the #UNSC last month that addressing North Korean (& Iranian) arms deliveries to #Russia should be the first priority for the #UN body. And US #DefSec #LloydAustin told lawmakers this spring that weapons from countries such as #NorthKorea & #Iran helped to keep Russia’s war going.

#geopolitics #democracy #Ukraine #war #intelligence