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Items tagged with: wankpanzer

A friend was doing minimal invasive tinkering on a tiny Hi8 camcorder. He had fingers of both hands in the cassette compartment when the device started the magical origami it did to fold itself around the cassette.
It became a Chinese finger trap with sharp sheet metal inside, locking his fingers in place while slicing into them, then detected liquid, complained and shut down.
He was alone and had to smash it to pieces.
How does one unlatch a #wankpanzer​s doors?

No angle and no proportion of the smudgy silver cockroach seems right, everything is just off, including the position of little head with the angry little brain.
It’s the Edgar suit from Men in black, but reimagined as Elon suit for electrical cars.
How did that happen?
#cybertruck #WankPanzer