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Items tagged with: yomhashoah

Israel's Yom HaShoah solemn 'celebration' is another act of fabrication.

Israel's leaders exploited the suffering of European Jewry to advance their post-war statehood goals. They did little to rescue our brethren trapped in the Holocaust furnace.

Like today, they view the innocent lives taken during war as a price to pay for Zionism.

The politicizing antisemitism is another avenue explored by Zionists to ensure Jews remain in a perpetual state of fear, all to indoctrinate us that Jews 'need the Zionists to save us.'

So lets stop and read the words of our alleged saviors, and what they did (not) do, to alleviate the crushing suffering of our parents during the Holocaust.

#HolocaustMemorialDay #Rafah #Israel #Jewish #YomHaShoah

Att sirener ljuder i #Israel är inget nytt. Landet har varit under ständig attack alltsedan dess tillkomst 1948.

Idag, på YomHaShoah, ljöd sirenerna i Israel under två minuter till minne av de sex miljoner judar som mördades av nazisterna och deras medlöpare i förintelseläger, pogromer och massarkebuseringar.

Hotet om förintelse av det judiska folket är fortfarande en realitet. Pogromen #7oktober var och är en kuslig påminnelse om just detta.

#YomHaShoah #aldrigmer