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We’re starting to see these HAWK crossings pop up in various locations—there are a handful in the #sfba. These beacons are badly designed, and work poorly for *both* pedestrians/cyclists and motorists. The flashing amber/alternating red/red/dark signal patterns are unfamiliar and require written instructions. The whole thing is a mess, and should be scrapped.

These signals should be replaced by a traditional red-amber-green signal combination, with green signaling motorist having the right of way, amber anticipating stop, red signaling stop, and flashing red signaling stop-then-proceed—signals that all motorists in the US are (hopefully) already familiar with.

#HAWKCrossings #traffic #cars #pedestrians #cyclists #urbanism

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Dave Rahardja

There’s a really bad one on the Peninsula at Belmont. The main intersection is bad during rush hour and a lot of drivers don’t even slow down when the HAWK lights are flashing. Terrible placement when the main crossing is nearby.

in reply to MisterArix

@MisterArix Nobody knows how they work (for obvious reasons) and everyone makes up their own rules. They help no one.
in reply to Dave Rahardja

Yes, they’re effectively stop lights, so why not use stop lights? SMH.