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🙏 The @oatmeal's comic on #creativity convinced me to refresh and improve my #painting skills with some fundamental exercises. It's time for me to do the hard work I've been avoiding.

I decided to join @BenjaminBrinckmann generous #MastoArtStudy prompts.

This is my Notan study, which breaks Thomas Moran's painting The Golden Hour into 5 values, from light to dark.

This was also a good excuse to finally start learning #krita.

#MastoArt #MastoArtStudy5 #MastoArtStudyNumber5 #artist #drawing
in reply to Marlene Breitenstein Art

Brilliantly done! I can clearly see that you master this subject! And it's really nice to have you onboard! Also, good job trying out #Krita . Do you have experience in digital painting from before?
in reply to Benjamin Brinckmann

— Thank you! I've only tried Procreate once, and MacPaint in the 1980s! I'm like The Oatmeal, virtually all of my forays into digital art have been vector work.

I did buy a Xencelabs pen tablet. Need to learn that too.

I find it regrettable that in 4 years of college art studies, we never did an exercise like this. Nor did we work with cubes, cones and cylinders, other than to paint planes of light and shadow. What little I know about composition is through photography...