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Here it is #MastoArtStudy5! This week we're doing another value study but this time with five colors. I'm honestly very proud of this lesson. I think it's my best one yet. I learned tons of writing this one myself! It's quite lengthy, but there are lots of pictures, and it deals with a lot of very important stuff: Value, Saturation and its importance in composition. So please visit my blog at to read all about it!

#MastoArtStudyNumber5 #MastoArtStudy #MastoArt
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Benjamin Brinckmann

Also deadline for #MastoArtStudy5 is going to be thursday 9th of february. This is a more extensive exercise so I just want everyone to have enough time.
in reply to Benjamin Brinckmann

— Holy moly, this is just what I need! One big goal this year was to find an artist to study under, as I feel my college art education was piss-poor all those decades ago; our primary studio teacher would drink coffee downstairs, and other students would ask me for help, simply because I had talent. I see numerous glaring problems in what I've (barely) created over the years, because of the lack of a good foundation. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
in reply to Marlene Breitenstein Art

@breitensteinart That's awesome that I can be of help! 😁 Doesn't sound like a very pleasant experience on your college though... Just a heads up, I've not done an official art education. Have not had the time nor the access to an education available. So I had to educate myself, but thanks to the internet that is actually a whole lot easier nowadays. Check out my other exercises as well. If you upload your exercise drawing and ping me in the post, I can give you feedback if you want to.
in reply to Benjamin Brinckmann

— My dad used to say, "the only thing that a PhD proves is that someone knew how to get a PhD." Education and inspiration come from all kinds of sources, the self-educated can have a lot to offer, and—judging by your work—clearly you know quite a lot.

So far your exercises are basic, but I need to go back and do some basic stuff. I'll definitely ping you.

BTW, have you seen this?

Here's one of my favorite panels. It convinced me to study this year.
in reply to Marlene Breitenstein Art

@breitensteinart I very much agree with your father. The most important skill in life is learning how to learn and continue doing so. I didn't know about 'the oatmeal', but looks like they have a lot of fun stuff. I actually was quite stuck in my artstyle that I was comfortable with in 2019. But in 2020 I decided to plunge myself in the deep and study all the things I found most difficult. It's been hard, but incredibly rewarding in the end.
in reply to Benjamin Brinckmann

— Good for you, it seems you came to the same conclusion as the Oatmeal. (It's just one guy.)

Every day my problem is starting. I avoid art-making, even though I love it with all my heart. I've let decades go by. This year I've determined to make headway on all that, as I'm not getting any younger, and I'll be lucky if I have 20 more years to be productive (super lucky if I get more).

I'm so pleased to be here, I need to be around other creative souls.
in reply to Marlene Breitenstein Art

@breitensteinart I've read the whole comic on creativity from 'the Oatmeal', and I was surprised by how good it was. I genuinely learned some whole new insights. It's good to hear that you want to pick up art again, and 20 years is still quite a lot :) I've only been getting serious about my own art development for 5/6 years and have made the biggest progress in the last 3. Though I have of course been drawing alot my whole life. Community has been a very important factor in wanting to do more.
in reply to Benjamin Brinckmann

I love this exercise, I will for sure upload some stuff in the coming weeks.