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in reply to anonymiss

Just the Signal domain ( is blocked in many countries... We need a other domain name...
in reply to anonymiss

Why would you defend or try to uphold a centralized offer that you need a (your) telephone number to create your account?
That's just another honey pot, as this post (in part) points out. Any workaround only creates useless workload to uphold something that was a unsustainable idea in the first place.
in reply to anonymiss

Because the phone number I never opened a account...

I prefer the Tox project.

in reply to anonymiss

in reply to ST20

@ST20 👍

Already just looked into it:

Personally in general I decided for element/matrix so unless I'm obligated for to go for another communication tool actually nobody uses (because if it's not skype it's zoom), I feel no need for spending time on another ideal tool nobody get's hooked on because it isn't convenient for fakebook, microfucked or who ever.

in reply to anonymiss


Here is what to do...

Seriously, in the first place this list should mention the need to create a "plan B", a separate channel of communication with a different tool. Telegram is already in the mirror of each and every government, including EU and USA, so for those who work for civil liberties there has always to be a decisive work for alternatives that aren't hijacked by the "common" criminals already.