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No, you don’t need to be drinking raw milk.

Raw (also known as unpasteurized) milk can contain a variety of disease-causing pathogens, as shown by numerous scientific studies – and the risks have only risen with bird flu spreading across dairy farms.

#health #food #farming

in reply to The Conversation U.S.

I am looking forward to a milk-borne typhoid epidemic, Victorian style; a bunch of fools who are too cool for pasteurization will die and nothing of value will be lost.
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

Next thing you know, they will be touting the benefits of raw chicken.
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

It depends on the cows! If they don't eat junk, don't swallow antibiotics, steroids, don't have pus on their breasts... why not? Furthermore, with microfiltering many impurities are eliminated.