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Mount Everest has a massive trash problem, thanks to the some 400 to 500 climbers that attempt to summit it every year.

New efforts and innovative strategies could solve the sky-high waste management problem.


Photo: Horses grazing through trash in the shadow of Mt Everest 🏔️ Taken by Martin Edström, on Instagram at @martinedstrom.

#environment #mountains

This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

That's terrible. I've noticed almost any natural area that attracts a lot of tourists has this problem to some extent. It often becomes more of a Disneyland rather than a natural setting deserving of respect. Everest epitomizes this. If I were talking to someone at a party and they mentioned that they summited Everest, I would probably have less respect for them rather than more.