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The fediverse is a strange place to be sometimes. It's an open network where progress happens in fits and starts in random, often hidden, pockets. And the rest don't often hear what's really going on. In the 6 years I've built on #ActivityPub, we've all had to fight for some kind of coordination.

Especially re: the new #SocialWebFoundation (which I've backed as an outside supporter via my tiny company @write_as), you can see something new is happening.

Mike McCue reshared this.

in reply to Matt Baer

E.g. the days of every fedi platform needing to be open source (as you'd get dogpiled for back in 2018) are gone. Proprietary platforms and major corps like Meta are joining, and they're collaborating with other major fedi platforms behind the scenes to take this all mainstream.

But that's what's happening right now, just so everyone knows.

in reply to Matt Baer

And there should probably be some more transparency. And it can absolutely be alienating, especially to long-time fedizens.

But it doesn't exclude similar efforts from *everyone* building this space. It doesn't crush those fighting for what has made this place great in the first place.

The fediverse is everyone's, and we should all recognize that. Don't lose hope. Keep on building the web we all want to see.

in reply to Matt Baer

n.b. this was a "dispelling the illusions" post, not a "welcoming our new Meta overlords" post, btw
in reply to Matt Baer

I really hope your optimism is not naïveté. Meta and their billionaire friends are craving for new source of revenue and attention devouring and they'll do whatever they can do to expand.... or crush any possible escape pod people try to leave their walled garden with. Google has proven time and time again that strategy was an efficient one. Future will tell. In the meantime... let's build robust webs. 🕸
in reply to Matt Baer

in reply to Matt Baer

"It doesn't crush those fighting for what has made this place great in the first place." Diversity (tech and social) is what's made the Fediverse great for me. The "Social Web" Foundation wants to define the Fediverse as ActivityPub-only and they have the resources (money and a $1.4 trillion corporation) to potentially do it. That *is* an attempt to crush the tech diversity that's made the Fedi great.
in reply to Matt Baer

thanks for the support, Matt. It was important to have you involved.