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in reply to Cory Doctorow

A key observation: "there's an even more fundamental flaw in the argument for the shareholder supremacy rule: it's impossible to know if the rule has been broken.
The shareholder supremacy rule is an unfalsifiable proposition."
in reply to Cory Doctorow

On September 24th, I'll be speaking in person at the Boston Public Library!


The paperback edition of The Lost Cause, my nationally bestselling, hopeful solarpunk novel is out this month!


in reply to Cory Doctorow

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in reply to Cory Doctorow

Ahhh man whenever Milton Friedman is mocked, you earn my eternal appreciation. There is no limit to mockery and contempt the man deserves.
in reply to Cory Doctorow

More broadly, pursuing a bigger slice at the cost of making the pie smaller is common to capitalism in general. Capitalist will always choose suboptimal productive efficiency, including making the distributed job-specific knowledge of workers unusable because of moral hazard, in order to maximize "efficiency" in extracting a surplus.
in reply to Cory Doctorow

Guzinta. Why that term popped into my head, I'm not sure.

How much can you steal and keep the shareholders happy short-term while you take your share of the swag and run. Long term, who cares? You've got your own super yacht and island in the Pacific.
At least until a climate changed super-typhoon swamps both.
That's another flip side. How much can you take out of the environment before it takes it out of you?

Carry on, good article. (still choking on forest fire smoke occasionally)