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in reply to Derek Powazek 🐐

If you wanna read something great, just this one time, read the comments on this story. Every one is livid. 10k so far and coming in too fast to keep up with.

in reply to Derek Powazek 🐐

Retired Washington Post Executive Editor Marty Baron slammed the decision on social media.

β€œThis is cowardice, with democracy as its casualty,” Baron wrote. β€œ@RealDonaldTrump will see this as an invitation to further intimidate owner @JeffBezos (and others). Disturbing spinelessness at an institution famed for courage.”

in reply to Derek Powazek 🐐

Added my pebble to the avalanche here and as I did so it was fun to watch the N in the live "view N new comments" counter ticking up so fast that the counter was jumping by 10s and 20s instead of individual numbers, with like 80% of them being immediate cancellations and 100% of them being completely furious and disgusted
in reply to Derek Powazek 🐐

And this is why we don't want, need or should tolerate corporate media, especially when majority owned by single billionaires. Anytime a billionaire buys a media company, the FEC and FCC should step in and shut it down.
in reply to Derek Powazek 🐐

I appreciate your efforts on this subject. My point is merely that the media landscape has changed, and now the big media companies are more concentrated in the hands of national elites than ever. And we shouldn't allow that.
in reply to Extinction Studies

Oh, I totally agree. I've just been thinking a lot about how, if the big papers were always run by rich old white guys, what's different now? I think the answer is that they're obscenely richer, and journalism as an industry is much weaker.
This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to Derek Powazek 🐐


Like so many cultural offshoots of free enterprise, things that were tolerable vexations on a small scale become monstrous injustices once the raw power of capitalism is unfettered.

in reply to Derek Powazek 🐐

Actually not true. Many newspapers were started in small towns as a way to share community information, from new items at the mercantile to school sports scores to crimes and fires, to local obituaries. They left the front page for general county, state or national news - the coming of the railroad, an upcoming auction, a town hall meeting. Many were written & printed as public service.
in reply to lolonurse

@lolonurse @aka_quant_noir sorry, I meant the big newspapers

(I have worked in journalism since the 90s, including running small newspapers. So I know.)

in reply to Derek Powazek 🐐

Just reading them. Wow.

I also hadn't realised the Democracy Dies in Darkness line is part of the masthead. Someone will be getting sacked for that, but good on them.

in reply to Derek Powazek 🐐

Oh, has it? Sorry. I'm in Australia, so just waking up to all of this. I don't normally view the WaPo. Thanks!
in reply to Derek Powazek 🐐

So glad β€œdemocracy” is dying/has died. It was a corrupt system anyway
in reply to Derek Powazek 🐐

Big corporate media supported fascism then, it is doing it now. There is war in europe and same message is in the media”it’ll be too costly to defend democracy, give up, isolate and let the baddies have their way, keep yourself safe”. I don’t think it’s a coincidence.
This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to Toni Aittoniemi

@gimulnautti oh I’m aware. They were saying that as my family was being rounded up and shipped to camps.
in reply to Derek Powazek 🐐

But Derek, Jeff was just worried about his business prospects in case Donnie wins. Give the billionaire a freaking break already? πŸ‘€
in reply to Derek Powazek 🐐

The WaPo owner’s cowardice aside, I wonder, does Bezos imagine trump & co will forgive & forget how much they hated the WaPo for its trump-Russia coverage during trump’s (hopefully only) term?
Bezos gonna hafta do alot more than just not endorse Harris to get in trump’s good graces.
#media #wapo