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Oliver Willis thinks Harris is doing just fine not catering to press demands for interviews:

"Harris did not need to cater to media whims to launch her campaign and rocket ahead of Trump in opinion polling. In fact, the dominant mindset among the media hivemind before she took over for President Joe Biden was that she likely wouldn’t have been able to handle the baton if it was handed to her."

#KamalaHarris #media

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

Joe Biden did Harris a great favor by setting the precedent "Go stuff it" to the NYT.

Most of the MSM have a high opinion of how critical they are to our democracy while simultaneously adamantly refusing to challenge the greatest threat to democracy, labeling that challenge as "partisan."

I hope Harris never agrees to a sitdown with 44 year old failson AG Sulzberger's NYT. His arrogance and vengeance deserve no respect. He will doom his own family paper to fading relevance.

Go stuff it.