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The abandoned Wilde Yarn Mill, at the time of its closure the oldest operating yarn mill in the US. The building has now been renovated into condos

#art #photography #abandoned #industrial #textile
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Abandoned America

@12thRITS Was past there the other day on my bike. I wasn't paying attention, but pretty sure this is the place, now rehabbed:
"Yarn Factory Lofts has been converted into 50 one and two bedroom loft apartments." Even saved the sky bridge!

Re-use always comes with pros and cons, but glad to see the structures saved. It's a great neighborhood, too—diverse, walkable, nice amenities, public transit...

Other info: I think
in reply to Lot⁴⁹

I have a friend who saved the flooring from a bowling alley that was being demolished. He installed some in a consignment shop called Retreads and even had the lane markings correct. It was the perfect floor for that shop.
in reply to Aztec4Life

@afl @12thRITS that's really cool! Stuff like that makes places so much more fun and memorable
in reply to Abandoned America

-- I got my roommate hooked on Abandoned stuff and she was talking about y'all this week saying how much she loves your posts over at Mastodon. So great work!
in reply to Abandoned America

Oh jeez. We used to sell their yarns at my family’s craft store.
in reply to Abandoned America

We had people calling in to ask if we had just one or two cones left of their yarn “in the back” for at least a decade after they closed.
in reply to Abandoned America

I'm not entirely sure I know what a "yarn mill" is, but those machines are dope!!
in reply to acm

@acm_redfox it's a mill that makes yarn, that's all. Not a euphemism 😊
in reply to Abandoned America

Thought probably that, but possibly making something *from* yarn?
Unknown parent

Abandoned America
@ElizabethLeeCo that's because it was. Lots of kids' fingers got eaten by these things
in reply to Abandoned America

These old factories were ground zero for child labor, lung disease, maiming and wage theft. They also were the birthplace of #unions in America. #1u #unionstrong #unionyes
in reply to Abandoned America

Amazing machinery & im looking at the wooden floors. They are beautiful and presumably very strong looking at the weight of those machines. Is their any industrial yarn manufacturing continuing in US or has it all gone overseas?
in reply to CarolineCherry

Much of the textile industry went to Mexico, thence to other "cheaper" places thanks to our good friend NAFTA. Many don't know NAFTA also destroyed Mexico's farming economy. We have no business being awful to Mexicans fleeing the economic destitution caused by NAFTA and other unfair trade deals.
in reply to Abandoned America

Shameful. It should have been restored and turned into a running mill museum earning money from the yarn.
Unknown parent

Abandoned America
@this_caroline it was such a neat place!