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It's time for the weekly digest of music from my blog! In this thread you'll find five new (to you, probably) artists to check out. This time out we have a couple of takes on industrial music, some space-rock/ambient fusion, arty post punk and IDM. You can find the full write-ups at this link:

Please listen to these artists if the write-up intrigue you, and then give them a follow, a fav, or some financial support (if you can).

#PostPunk #IDM #Industrial #Ambient #OPM

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Ether Diver

Gene Boggs – Spacetime

Intriguing and pleasant mix of post-rock and ambient elements. Bits of prog, post rock, ambient and New Age are all present, held together by a vaguely science fiction vibe. Languid guitar work with a hint of twang (non country variety) animates several of the tracks, while others lean more heavily into weird sounds sliding over one another and sweeps of synth. Space rock, but without the propulsion – floating-in-space rock, perhaps.


in reply to Ether Diver

Wavefront – “Ihollasi”

Beautiful synth strings, skippy/glitchy percussion programming and a penchant for unusual sound design puts this squarely in the classic #IDM camp. Almost sounds like a transitional track between Autechre’s early, pretty-but-weird work and their later more challenging, intellectually tilted releases. Beautifully produced, with some real punch in the low end and great clarity throughout.


in reply to Ether Diver

Mux2000 – “The Stars” “An Immigrant’s Song” “There Will Be Blood”

One artist, three very different songs, all clearly created with the same overarching artistic vision. They share a lofi approach, a strong storytelling element, and a sense of intimacy that’s almost claustrophobic, especially vocally. The best of the bunch is “The Stars,” from the album Downfall (the others are standalone tracks), with its chaotic noise-rock approach.



in reply to Ether Diver

C2 – Pentalogy

Hard hitting industrial that represents one of my favorite eras of the genre, where it began to get really heavy but hadn’t flipped over into just another flavor of metal – think Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Taste-era Ministry, or TV Sky-era Young Gods. Brutal beats, intense blasts of noisy synth, pulsing basslines, sore-throat distorted vocals delivering mad-at-the-world lyrics – it’s all here. I, for one, am all here for it.


in reply to Ether Diver

monolalia – “Sixth Harvest”

Punchy #industrial/#EBM that leans into film music territory at times – like if Front 242 and early Junkie XL collaborated on a track for a low budget Terminator knock off. Kinetic rhythms, powerful low end and minimal melodic elements, punctuated by a lovely breakdown about ⅔ of the way thru. (The artist has asked me to explicitly state this is a work in progress, but it sounds pretty complete to me!)


in reply to Ether Diver

That's it for this week! As a reminder, you can find the archived version of these write-ups, in slightly longer/more detailed versions (along with many more from previous weeks!), here:

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in reply to Ether Diver

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#OPM #OtherPeoplesMusic #Music #MusicWriting #MusicJournalism

in reply to Ether Diver

Oh, one more thing (because I can never type "finally" and actually mean it 😅 ): I am trying to build a community of musicians and music fans who support them here, so if you're in either camp, consider boosting these posts, listening to things in them even if outside your comfort area, and sharing your kind and considerate feedback with the artists directly. Making music in the modern era can be lonely as hell, and hearing that someone likes your weird-ass music can make someone's whole week!