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So we just deployed @laura’s new little site she made using #Kitten for her Accessibility For Everyone book that Small Technology Foundation is now publishing as A Book Apart is, sadly, no more. Here’s a two-minute real-time video showing how easy it was using #Domain.

Sadly, I used GNOME’s screen recorder instead of OBS so the video has some corruption half-way.

(The page not found error you see is due to the hard-coded refresh; that’ll use client-side polling soon.)

Large Heydon Collider reshared this.

in reply to Aral Balkan

And here are links to the things mentioned in the previous post:

• Accessibility For Everyone site:
• Kitten:
• Domain: (not ready for use yet)

And reminder that you should use OBS instead of GNOME’s built-in screen recorder if you don’t want to lose work:

#SmallWeb #Kitten #Domain #AccessibilityForEveryone #a11y #book #ABookApart #SmallTechnologyFoundation

in reply to Aral Balkan

PS. We also used Kitten’s recently-added webhook feature so that whenever she pushes to her main branch in Codeberg, the site is automatically updated.


#Kitten #SmallWeb #web #dev #git #Codeberg #webHook

in reply to Aral Balkan

Tangential, but I thought ABA was still selling books, just not publishing new ones?