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There’s a long-standing bug in Fedora (also in Fedora 40), where the sign-in screen is displayed at the wrong resolution (it doesn’t use the settings you have set in the Settings app).

So, for example, if you have 4K@2x set in your settings for your monitor, the sign-in screen will still display at a tiny 4K@1x.

To fix, download an app called GDM Settings from the Software app and press Display → Apply current display settings → Apply.

#Fedora40 #Fedora #GDM #GNOME #bug #resolution #signIn

in reply to Bou

No idea whose jurisdiction it falls under but given nearly every person who has ever signed into Fedora (and likely any other distribution GNOME) has encountered this every day of their lives for the last however many years, I’m sure there’s a bug report somewhere. Probably multiple. I probably even filed one myself years ago and was told it was the wrong repo or an upstream problem or something. 🤷‍♂️
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

@bou Case in point:

The last time I did some digging about it (4 years ago), it was because your user settings are stored on ~/.config/monitors.xml whereas GDM uses settings on /var/lib/gdm/.config/monitors.xml. Here’s an entry on the Arch Linux wiki about it:

in reply to Aral Balkan

if only fedora would come up with an update solely focused on sweeping bugs and polishing I would just be happy