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Just want to really stress that last paragraph.

#AI #LLM #SiliconValley #VC #ponziSchemes

“AI Detectors Get It Wrong. Writers Are Being Fired Anyway”

> Some writing gigs are drying up thanks to chatbots. As people fight over the dwindling field of work, writers are losing jobs over false accusations from AI detectors.

And, yet again, fuck every single one of you who has helped implement and popularise LLMs.

in reply to Aral Balkan

there’s one thing I don’t see a lot of folks talking about related to this.

We have AI writing pieces. Then AI falsely accusing writers of plagiarism of pieces written by AI. Moreover, AI’s learn from other written works, which means they are certainly guilty of actual plagiarism.

So, this scenario is:

1. AI steals from writers
2. AI accuses writes of stealing
3. Stolen work is AI-generated

It’s wild.