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in reply to Aral Balkan

you know, when you start shooting at, and injuring UN soldiers on a *peacekeeping* mission, the world should know that you're bang out of order, and rein you the fuck in.

But this is #Israel we're talking about, and they're gods chosen people, right?

in reply to Aral Balkan

They just test the waters to see how far they can push the Overton window on this. Because of a lack of response this is now already acceptable IMO.
in reply to Aral Balkan

I’m afraid that until the US intervene no one will do anything.
in reply to LN

@ln The US regularly intervenes to ensure Israel has everything it needs to continue its genocide. The US is funding the genocide in Gaza and Israel’s war crimes in the region. And I’m thinking the only country to have ever used nuclear weapons against a civilian population can stomach a lot of carnage so I wouldn’t bet on their hitting the breaks anytime soon.
in reply to Aral Balkan

oh absolutely. I’m pretty sure the US will not intervene any time soon, they put their geopolitical interests above all else.
in reply to Aral Balkan

I really wish UN peacekeeping mandates had a little bit more teeth to them. Peacekeepers are so restrained by crazy ROE - which, usually is a good thing - but if one of the belligerents _deliberately_ takes on the peacekeepers than it should be gloves off. Or like immediate UN membership suspension, total embargo, international travel blockade etc. etc. "Don't want to play by rules the rest of world agrees on? You don't get to play, period."
in reply to Third spruce tree on the left

Instead it looks like UNIFIL will likely leave with its tail between its legs; having been pounded into submission by Israel and the United States alongside concepts like international law, basic humanity, and justice.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan


US-made munition used in Israeli strike on central Beirut, shrapnel shows

Exclusive: Strike that killed 22 is first time US-made munition confirmed to have been used in attack on central Beirut since 2006

Middle East crisis – live

in reply to Aral Balkan

and what of our grand EU, with its promises to protect the disenfranchised and downtrodden. Ten years ago we were looking at a powerhouse and since the Brits left, we now live in a großdeutschland.
in reply to Kenneth M Sweeney

@KenSwe I believe we’re too busy propping up tyrants to keep Brown people from coming over here at the moment.
in reply to Aral Balkan

The US provides the money and the guns to enable Israel.
They "fuckers" would have to stop themselves if the US didn't enable them.
The US in this case is the Biden administration.
Just saying...
in reply to Aral Balkan

And this is why the fascists everywhere keep harping against the UN and similar organisms; so no one cares about these atrocities.