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:kitten: Kitten¹ update

Domain migrations are now live for your Kitten apps.

You can now point any custom domain to a deployed Kitten app. When the first Domain² instance goes live at later this year, you’ll be able to deploy Kitten apps in ~10 seconds at <your domain>

Then, if you want to, you can point any domain to it using any registrar.


#Kitten #SmallWeb #Domain #interoperability #portability #web #dev

in reply to Aral Balkan

always lovely to see your small web work pushing forward :blobfoxheartcute:

Your site warns the API is unstable until version 1. When are you hoping to hit that?

in reply to Peter Bronez

@PeterBronez Thanks, Peter.

Later this year, when Domain launches publicly at and folks are able to easily deploy sites :)
