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Yay, thanks to @jan being lovely and not shying away from the headache of hosting a forked Mastodon, my instance how has an increased character limit.

This was one of my main bugbears and is going to improve my life. Not having to freaking edit something to squeeze in that one extra character? Yes, please.

If you want Jan to host your own Mastodon instance (maybe an instance for one, just you?), see

#mastodon #characterLimit #hosting #tootIO

This entry was edited (1 day ago)
in reply to Professor_Stevens

@Professor_Stevens Unfortunately, it’s an instance of one. I don’t want to be responsible for anyone else and it kinda goes with the whole Small Web mentality of one person, one instance (which ActivityPub/Mastodon was never designed for but it’s the way I’m using it).