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in reply to Aral Balkan

“the idea came to me at a trump rally where you could see his buttocks moving a foot on each side of the podium when he got agitated”
in reply to Aral Balkan

Thank GOD our greatest minds are so laser-focused on humanity's most urgent needs.
in reply to Aral Balkan

These people are putting The Onion out of business…
in reply to Aral Balkan

Smart Pipe!
in reply to Aral Balkan

About time!
I hope that at least this thing has Bluetooth.
Unknown parent

also, I'm glad @aral didn't step in and say, ya'll cut this shit out, chatting it up in my replies. Most ppl would have, or maybe he's just asleep rn, either way, thank you!
Unknown parent

Aral Balkan
@vanessa Haha, wouldn’t dream of it :)
Unknown parent

Unknown parent

@vanessa anytime. I'm putting my psych minor to good use 😋
Unknown parent

Unknown parent

@vanessa lol, I think the answer was inside you the whole time 💕
Unknown parent

thanks, that's a cool question to ask ❤️

maybe I'll go back and ask the college, hey could I take another philosophy course?

whether it "fulfills the Minor" or not, I'd just love to take the class.

I want to take a Philosophy course!!!!
(ty for helping me realize this ❤️ :HeartBisexual: )

Unknown parent

Unknown parent

sorry, I merged lots of ideas. so I didn't attend Stanford Univ. nor would I ever, omg.
I mean, who would? who would go to fuckin Stanford, laughable.

but so,
I attended a tiny college in the midwestern US. I had friends and good professors whom I loved.

They helped me feel free to explore. that's why it's sad to me -- despite the privilege and permission to explore what I loved, I still didn't, explore.

I still didn't get a fucking philosophy minor. really people???

Unknown parent

correct you are! ❤️ 😊
Unknown parent

@vanessa did the philosophers of ancient Rome, the Taoist monks, or armchair-sitters around the world let something like not finishing a Stanford course stop them? I doubt it.

You have a social media account and the will to put your opinions out there—and at the end of the day, isn't that what the internet is all about?

Unknown parent

why didn't I just take one more course and go for the philosophy minor? so that when I'm loafing on the couch, I could say I'm philosophizing?

oh well. I've made worse mistakes. like that DUI in 2018. it wasn't my fault though.

A far bigger mistake would've been attending fuckin Stanford University. Or allowing anyone I love to go there. That place sucks.

@alice @aral

Unknown parent

Unknown parent

people who understand statistics --not just the results, but how statistics are done -- are the absolute coolest people on the planet.


Unknown parent

@vanessa I started out wanting to be a criminal psychologist for the FBI (too much X-Files I guess), then like 1-2 years in, it dawned on me that I'd have to work for the FBI to do that.

So I thought "abnormal psychology! That's needed in a few places!" and I was close to enough credits, so why not?

Then, while doing psych experiments, I learned statistics—and loved it.

Then to do statistics and experiments more effectively, I learned to code—and loved it.

So that's how I ended up with a Computer Information Systems degree, with a double minor in Behavioral Science and Statistics. :neocat_googly_drool:

Unknown parent

and your advisor's like, Ok, we need to have a serious conversation. You need a Major. and up til now you've just been taking classes you liked. more accurately: taking classes from professors you like (in a platonic academic way omg). and your advisor tells you your options. They say, yeh you're two classes away from a major in Anthropology, but only one class away from a Biology. but you could also get a philosophy minor. you're like, ok Biology sounds easier.
@aral @alice
Unknown parent

hey, you know what? just go to University of [insert your state]. if your pimply kid can get in there, they'll have a great time and emerge a better person than if they went to Stanford. Please encourage them to major in the humanities, after fucking around for the first 2+ years. They should not "choose a major" until their academic advisor forces them to do so, because they (said advisor) is "worried." Junior year, second semester. that's when they start worrying.

@aral @alice

Unknown parent

cool. that's cool.

and I'm sure @aral is so happy to now be included in a discussion about the value of a liberal arts education vs being a shill for the Stanford - to- SiliconV pipeline.

I'm sorry. I'm just a bitter biologist who wished they had a philosophy minor.

💓 ❤️

in reply to vanessa

@vanessa Not at all; exactly the kind of discussion I’d want to be included in :)


Unknown parent

@vanessa 😂 y'all aren't wrong about the assholes part.
Unknown parent